We generate databases of potential buyers


We are looking for potential buyers for your product in Uruguay.
From a database with more than 2,000 companies in different areas and locations we select possible interested in the type of products to offer.

This selection will take into account the type of trade that interests our client and the department where it is located. Eg supermarkets, self-services, restaurants, etc. in the department of Artigas.
Then, by telephone, we try to locate the person in charge of purchasing the product we want to offer, we ask about your possible interest in receiving product information from our client. If the answer is yes, that information is included in the database that we will offer to the company that hired our services.

Of course, this is not an absolute guarantee that business will take place later, but it is a very important step towards starting a business relationship, because it has already established a sign of interest for a company in the field to have a new supplier. From there the selling company will know how to communicate and send information directly to the buyer.
The minimum data that we will include in our report and that will be delivered presented in an Excel spreadsheet are:
For companies to carry out this investigation on their own, they must travel the country gathering information, which is not cheap. If not, hire a vendor to perform the survey location by location with the consequent increase in costs and time.
Today companies are increasingly familiar with distance communication, whether via email, cell phone, chat, etc., so it is much easier to send information from a centralized place to customers across the country with a significant cost reduction .

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Inforcomex - Belnor s.a.     25 de Mayo 332   Montevideo  Uruguay C.P. 11000   Phone 598 2 916 2324  